Evening Event with Donald Lopez Jr. and Thupten Jinpa
During the opening banquet, the tone of the conference was set by an intimate conversation between Professor Lopez and Geshe Jinpa discussing their love of Tibetan language and textual translation, as well as several book projects they have worked on together: Grains of Gold: Tales of a Cosmopolitan Traveler by Gendün Chöpel, The University of Chicago Press, 2014; The Treatise on Passion Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet, Harvard University Press, 2017; and The Treatise on Passion by Gendun Chöpel, forthcoming.
Event: TT Conference 2017 – Evening Event
Date: May 31, 2017 – 7:00 pm
Speakers: Donald Lopez Jr., Thupten Jinpa
Topics: Collaboration, Personal Account, Translation, Translator, Translator's Motivation, Working Together

Thupten Jinpa
Institute of Tibetan Classics
Thupten Jinpa, PhD, received his early education as a monk and obtained the Geshe Lharam degree from Ganden Monastic University in South India. He holds a BA in philosophy and a PhD in religious studies, both from Cambridge University. Jinpa is an adjunct professor at McGill University. He is associated with the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University, and is the main author of its Compassion Cultivation Training program. He is the board chair of the Mind and Life Institute, the founder and president of the Institute of Tibetan Classics, and the general editor for The Library of Tibetan Classics. Since 1985 he has been the principal English translator to H.H. the Dalai Lama. Jinpa’s published works include translations of numerous books by the Dalai Lama, Songs of Spiritual Experience, Mind Training:The Great Collection, and The Book of Kadam. Most recently he co-translated Grains of Gold by Gendun Chöpel. His books include a first ever introduction to Buddhism in vernacular Tibetan and a comprehensive modern Tibetan grammar (in Tibetan), as well as A Fearless Heart: How the Courage to be Compassionate Can Transform our Lives, and (with Donald S. Lopez Jr.) Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet.

Donald Lopez, Jr.
University of Michigan
Donald Lopez is the Arthur E. Link Distinguished University Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies at the University of Michigan, where he is chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000. His most recent translations, both with Thupten Jinpa, are Grains of Gold: Tales of a Cosmopolitan Traveler (the Gtam rgyud gser gyi thang ma of A mdo Dge ’dun chos ’phel) and Ippolito Desideri’s refutation of rebirth and emptiness, Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet. Forthcoming translations include the grub mtha’ of Lcang skya rol pa’i rdo rje.