Memorial for Luis Óscar Gómez


Memorial for Luis Óscar Gómez

Luis Gómez passed away in Mexico City on September 3, 2017. He received his B.A. degree in 1963 from Universidad de Puerto Rico, enrolling there at age sixteen.  He received his Ph.D. degree in Buddhist Studies, Indic Philology, and Japanese Language and Literature from Yale University in 1967. He joined the faculty of the University of Michigan in 1973, teaching there until his retirement in 2008. He founded Michigan’s highly regarded Ph.D. program in Buddhist Studies, which has produced several generations of outstanding scholars. That his students specialized in Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, Indian, Thai, […]

Memorial for Luis Óscar Gómez2018-05-30T23:13:08-06:00

Shantarakshita Award


The Shantarakshita Award for Excellence in Translation

Tsadra Foundation launched an award to honor excellence in the field of translating Tibetan texts into English in 2014. In order to make the award meaningful to the whole community of translators, a committee of twelve respected translators, scholars, and editors formed to review publications and choose the award winners. After an exhaustive search of translations from Tibetan to English published between 2012 and 2015, an international committee of scholars and translators voted and reduced that large number to a “shortlist,” from which twelve finalists were chosen for detailed review (see list […]

Shantarakshita Award2018-05-30T23:11:25-06:00

The Treasury of Precious Instructions


Translating the Treasury of Precious Instructions

Following completion of the translation of Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé’s 10-volume Treasury of Knowledge, Tsadra Foundation has embarked on the translation of Kongtrul’s 18-volume Treasury of Precious Instructions: Essential Teachings of the Eight Practice Lineages of Tibetan Buddhism (gdams ngag rin po che’i mdzod).

We are happy to announce that the first volume of this collection to be translated has been published early in 2016. This volume concerns the teachings from the lineage of Severance (Chöd).

The Treasury of Precious Instructions or Dam-ngak Rinpoché Dzö is one of Jamgön Kongtrul’s Five Treasuries. It can be considered one of […]

The Treasury of Precious Instructions2018-05-30T23:02:37-06:00
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