Translating Abhidharma Materials


Is Abhidharma just a collection of dry, boring lists? Presenters in this workshop comment on the need for Abhidharma literature as the basis of both morality and advanced meditation practice when bringing Tibetan Buddhism to a Western setting. Art Engle presents the need for a viable English translation from original source texts of the Abhidharmakośakārikā and Abhidharmasamuccaya. Ian Coghlan discusses terms, grammar, and syntax related to meditative states and the subtlety involved in creating satisfactory, standard English terms for this material. Gyurme Dorje presents short passages from Abhidharmakośa and traces the illusion of terminology and taxonomy through Tibetan traditions.

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Translation and Transmission


This panel synthesizes many earlier discussions about the connections between the processes of translation and transmission. Wulstan Fletcher acknowledges the bifurcation of “scholar” and “practitioner” and the basic assumptions associated with each label. Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo explores the limits of tolerance and the translator’s responsibility in terms of social justice issues. Donald Lopez speaks of the importance of all types of Tibetan texts when seeking historical context, and Jules Levinson discusses the point at which translators find themselves poised to develop literature and poetry for the sake of creative process.

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Conference 2014 Closing Session


Thupten Jinpa closes the 2014 Translation & Transmission Conference with a summary of important themes emerging from the four days of thoughtful interaction. Broadly, these include translation, transmission, and the combination of the two, and most significantly, the developing sense of community among those working diligently to present Tibetan Buddhism to the West.

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